It’s been over a year since posting to the blog here, having used the various Causeway Living social media accounts to share my personal thoughts and feelings instead. But as of today, I’m relinquishing control of my social media output and will be sharing similar written content here instead.

It’s felt very strange to say, “peace out” to a social following that I’ve built up organically these past 4 years without any paid ads or resorting to ‘playing the algorithm’ by using internet marketing tricks, but as someone who talks about following your gut and intuition, I’ve had to follow my own advice.


For a long time, I’ve thought to myself, “whenever Causeway Living gets to a certain size, I’ll hire someone to run the social media accounts, do the admin etc. and I can focus on the part I’m actually good at.. helping people step into their authenticity and live happier, healthier, more meaningful lives”.

So instead of waiting for a Tomorrow that never comes, I’ve decided to act now and connect to my own authentic desire to let go of the attachment to social media, live a happier and healthier life as a result, and create more time for what’s meaningful to me; offering my highest value in 1-to-1 work.


Social media has always been simple for me - I live an unusual life and as a result, have a lot of different experiences to share and cool photos to post. I’m just documenting life as I go rather than having to contrive ‘content’, however it still takes a significant amount of time and energy from me.

Now that time and energy can go to fulfilling my purpose of consciously choosing to look at why I act the way I act, understand it, choose to act differently where I feel like old patterns don’t serve, and share the wisdom I pick up from my ongoing self exploration with others who wish to do the same.


THIS is Causeway Living. Connecting to your inner world through the outer world; nature, like-minded others, the elements, all master teachers who can show us things about ourselves that we didn’t even know. Training the mind to be quiet so we can connect to our deepest desires and authenticity.

It’s not an easy path to follow, but I’ve tried the alternative of burying my head in the sand by over-working, over-eating, binging on mindless YouTube content and podcasts to avoid the challenge, but hiding from your most True self will only result in it having to resort to painful lessons until you listen.


It’s not just my own lived experience of chronic illness that makes me so confident that repressed desires and emotions lead to mental and physical illness, or that this can ultimately act as the impetus to start listening to what’s been repressed and often in hindsight be seen as your greatest teachers.

Dr. Gabor Maté details this phenomena out beautifully in his best selling book, ‘When The Body Says No’. When I read it, it was like reading about myself, and a confirmation of how when I did the internal work and followed my gut, the body didn’t have to use pain to get my attention anymore.


Anyone, anywhere, and when you feel ready to stop burying your head in the sand like I did, and step up to the challenge of an inward journey where you will confront dragons hiding in deep dark caves of your psyche (where you feel scared to look), but also slay those dragons and take their gold.

The 1-to-1 work I offer can all be done online, using tools like breathwork and somatic meditation to find our way to what the body wants to communicate, or what may have been repressed from coming to the surface, and using compassionate inquiry to better understand what’s going on inside.


For a long time I desperately tried to change my circumstances by affecting the outer world. Workshops not selling out? Post more on social media. Frustrated by carrying a few extra unwanted lbs? Burn myself out by over training and so on, but trying to manipulate the outer world never worked.

It’s only when I committed to understanding my inner world, that my outer world actually changed. As someone who continues to walk this path, I know it’s where I can offer most value to anyone who wishes to walk with me. If you know that’s you, then why wait for a tomorrow that never comes?
