I thought taking a step back from social media would be enough to help enable the transition from what I thought Causeway Living was going to be (and my lifestyle connected to it, as the founder and operator) to a new vision I’ve had (plus where I want to go personally too), but it’s going to take more.

It’s been extremely humbling to have been told more times than I could’ve ever imagined, that I’ve helped someone change their life for the better through the workshops and retreats I’ve held over the past 4 years. However, it’s time to set those aside for now to focus on where I can offer the most value.


During the wild personal journey of rediscovering my health and fitness, I’ve signed up for all kinds of different trainings, workshops and courses, but a key component I’ve felt missing time and again is some kind of ongoing support and follow-up, and this is the greatest thing I know how to offer.

There are few things in life as valuable as having someone you feel safe to express anything to without judgement. To feel understood and know that it’s okay to be where you’re at. To know and feel that you’re not broken and that the person listening isn’t going to tell you what you ‘should’ be doing.


Have you ever followed a gut feeling, then regretted it after? Almost nobody answers, ‘yes’. This is a question that Dr. Gabor Maté asks at his seminars, as well as asking if anyone has chosen to ignore a gut feeling and then regretted that after, to which almost everyone answers, ‘yes’. Follow your gut.

That’s sometimes easier said than done, as people can get really disconnected from their intuition. We all have it as kids, but often learn to suppress our desires to gain acceptance from parents, classmates, society in general for our own survival. Childhood patterns of repression that run into adulthood.


Getting in touch with your intuition and having ongoing support and accountability to help you stick to it, in my experience is infinitely more beneficial than someone telling me what (in their opinion) I should be doing, then judging me for not taking that advice, even if it’s done in the most well-meaning way.

It’s hard to hear your intuition if your mind is never quiet though, so developing ongoing practices like cold-immersion, meditation, breathwork, time in nature can really help you get past the analytical mind and connect to a deeper, more child-like, embodied knowledge that seldom ever leads you wrong.


This is where some help and support can be almost invaluable. Whether it’s guidance on how to quiet the mind and connect to that intuitive voice (with suggested practices to choose from), or for those who are already connected to their own ‘inner-knowing’; receiving encouragement to follow it.

It’s one thing to be able to hear your intuition, and another altogether to confidently be able to act on it in the knowledge that doing so will lead to the greatest good. It’s possible to build this confidence through practice, training and guidance from someone who believes in what you’ve got inside you.


This work also requires a serious amount of humility. A sincere admission that You want help, as well the coach acknowledging that it’s You who knows best. Is Lionel Messi’s coach a better footballer than him? No. Can his coach help him to sharpen, focus and find the results he wants? Hell yeah.

It’s something that held me back from offering this kind of work for a long time, feeling like in order to coach multi-millionaire executives, I would need to be a multi-multi-millionaire myself. Or to coach an Olympian, I’d need to be a super athlete too. Just like Messi’s coach, I don’t need to be ‘better’ to help.


I’m following the advice that I’m offering; listening to my intuition with support from my own coach. I’m confidently saying goodbye to group work (for now at least) to focus on 1-to-1 coaching and bringing a big chapter of my personal story to a close, as well as the final chapter of my upcoming book.

That’s another thing I’ll be focusing on over the next few months. Recounting the story of becoming chronically ill, clinically obese, suicidally depressed, then overcoming those things and sharing what I learnt along the way through founding Causeway Living; fulfilling all of the intentions I set in Peru.


I realised sometime last year that the intentions I’d set in Peru to help others improve their life circumstances and build a community of like-minded others were fulfilled. I always thought the final chapter of the story would be returning to Peru to bring closure, but I’d ignored something important.

The turning point of my health improving actually started with a 60 day juice fast that I began at the time of booking my trip to Peru. That really was the first big step for me, and it’s going to be the last big step in my upcoming book, as I intend to commit to another 60 day juice fast, beginning Monday.


I’ve been intending to write a book about rediscovering my health for years now. It’s a pretty wild story including the aforementioned fasting, plant medicine journeys with Shamans in Peru, climbing mountains in the snow with Wim Hof and more, but the book has more to offer than my story alone.

The second part of the book explains the Causeway Living philosophy (shared in the online course) and offers practical tips to follow it. A roadmap to living your most authentic desire, and accelerating progress towards that with high performance habits that offer a high return on your investment of time.


I’m now entering a new phase of my life, appropriately watching Autumn leaves fall as I let go of once vibrant parts of my recent past too, and prepare for a Winter retreat from the group activities and frequent social media sharing that until recently served me so well. Making way for new growth.

Another 60 day juice fast, writing a book, and holding space for up to 5 clients in 1-to-1 Coaching is what my intuition is yelling loud and clear (and I know what the consequences are of not following my intuition in the past). If you want help in following yours, get in touch to discuss a free 1-to-1 session.

Thanks for your support,

